Sr. Advisor Economics & Econometrics
Peter Heemeijer has PhD research in Experimental Economics at CeNDEF, University of Amsterdam and he is Head of Software Development and managing partner at Symetrics. He oversees software development, technical innovation and fundamental design of SyMath, Symetrics' behavioural risk analytics platform.
He was Senior Investment Manager at the ABN AMRO Pension Bureau. As an expert, he focused on Corporate bonds, currency overlays, corporate governance, liability‐driven investments, benchmark‐driven investments, asset manager monitoring and risk management.
He was Researcher and Monetary Policy Analyst at the Dutch Central Bank (DNB and focused on inflation development in the euro area, inflation expectations, economic experiments applied to monetary policy, fiscal and economic development of Greece.
From 2006 until 2008 he was Assistant Professor in Quantitative Economics at University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Business. Courses taught: Dynamical systems, Advanced Microeconomics, Introductory Econometrics, Introductory Computer Programming.