The $12 trillion investment threat on Post Corona Global Energy
Global energy sectors are currently fighting an uphill battle, confronted by not only Corona Virus global lockdowns and OPEC+ market share strategies. The last years conventional energy sectors have been facing already a fledgling interest of institutional investors, shareholders and banks for their current and future project financing. Faced with increased share-holder activism, and the Greta Thunberg Effect, international oil companies and independents are faced with a push to change strategies, invest more in renewables, while forced to keep production at levels commercially attractive and securing global energy supply. The current toxic mix could mean for a vast part of operators and oilfield services the last nail in the coffin. The post-Corona period will decide where private oil and gas sector participants are heading. Another underexposed issue is; who is going to fill up the gaps in production, financing and energy security? Will this be National Oil Companies, financed by sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), increased Islamic financing or new financial strategies. Or will it mean a full-fledged approach to a fast-tracked renewables future? Key points addressed: - Financial threat to the energy sector. - Increased competition between Conventional and Renewable project financing. - The role of shareholders and governments. - Security of energy supply under threat?